Technical Focus Areas

MAI staff possess a wealth of expertise, with many members holding advanced degrees in diverse social science disciplines such as human development, criminology, sociology, and psychology. Yet, our team is intentionally composed of individuals from varied educational backgrounds with different lived experience, each bringing a unique perspective and skill set to the table.

Our team brings strong equitable research and evaluation skills, including evaluation strategy (e.g., Logic Modelling, Theory of Change, Evaluation Planning, and Measurement Planning), data collection and analysis (including designing, refining, and customizing data collection tools such as interview protocols, observation rubrics, surveys, polls, etc.; qualitative and quantitative analysis; using and accessing records data, meaning-making), and data use (including data to action planning, dissemination of findings) to each project.

We conduct robust mixed-methods evaluations and place a high value on mixed-methods design as they’re particularly important in applying an equity-focused lens to our work.